The Crucifiers

C1: “What’s the next order?”

C2:  The Law Firm of “Issekinichō!”  (The Law Firm of “Kill Two Birds with One Stone”)

C1:  “What they want?”

C1:  “The smallest font!”

C2:  “For what?”

C1:  “A disclaimer in a major film production – a movie contract!”

C2:  “How long?”

C1:  “Four”

C2: “What Four.”

C1:  “Not responsible for Consequences!”

C2 calling The Law Firm of “Issekinichō”

TLFI:  “We hear you make the smallest font in the world?”

C2:  “Yes.”

TLFI:  “How small.”

C2:  “Smaller than a grain of sand.”

TLFI:  “Is that so?”

C2:  “Yes.”

TLFI:  “Sell it to us.”

C2:  “Not for sell.”

TLFI:  “Everything is for sell!”

C2:  “Not this one.”

TLFI:  “We posts disclaimers in all our contracts.”

C2:  “We insert it for you.”

TLFI: “You mean you keep the template?”

C2:  “Not for sell.”

TLFI: “What do you want in return?”

C2:  “Autonomy that carries no expiration date.”

TLFI: “What?!”

C2: “!CLICK!”


C2:  “Yes.”

TLFI:  “What part of the Country are you at?”

C2:  “Ditto.” “!CLICK!”

Post two weeks, Black Market Messenger delivers urgent message to The Crucifiers: “EMERGENCY!“,  CALL THE LAW FIRM OF “ISSEKINICHO”, “READY TO DO BUSINESS!”

TLFI: “Hey!” dont hang up!, “The best we can offer is a 60 max.”

TLFI: “The South is not a Union, belongs to the Cairo.”  “We do 60- renewable guaranteed!” “Buddy, if we could do more, we would.”  “But, the Cairo gets in the way.”

C2:  “Deal.”  “And I am not your Buddy.”  “!CLICK!”

About zoegenus

Revolutionary for democracy. Revolutionary for Humanitarian Rights. "Revolutions are the locomotives of history" (Karl Marx). Support the U.S. Constitution. Support the Bill of Rights. Stand by and support America. Create. Do not destroy. Fight and die for your County, the United States of America.
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